Stop the FTAA!  

"Reject CAFTA" Update

Updated Legislative Alert: Activate Congress to Reject the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)

Background: The Bush administration announced on January 25 that it has reached agreement with Costa Rica to add it to four of its neighbors in creating a Central American Free Trade Area (CAFTA). The administration will likely submit the CAFTA agreement to Congress for approval sometime in the next few months. Once the CAFTA agreement is presented to Congress, the House and Senate will have 90 days to approve or reject it.

An AP article on January 25, "U.S., Costa Rica Reach Free Trade Deal," explained what the administration hopes to accomplish with CAFTA: "For its part, the administration hopes to use congressional passage of CAFTA as a stepping stone to achieving an even bigger goal, creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas [FTAA], covering all 34 democracies in the Western Hemisphere."

Fortunately, CAFTA may be the most politically vulnerable of the series of free trade agreements designed to set the stage for the FTAA. Congressional rejection of CAFTA in 2004 would help build momentum for rejection of the FTAA in 2005.

Request: Now that Congress is back in session, please contact your representative and senators in vigorous opposition to CAFTA. If you’ve already contacted them a few weeks ago, contact them again. This issue is that important. We must stop the sovereignty-destroying FTAA! See the reasons why by visiting Persuade others to visit this same web page, then join us in activating Congress to reject both CAFTA and the FTAA.

CAFTA: FTAA Stepping Stone - The New American - January 12, 2004

Losing America’s Livelihood - The New American - January 26, 2004

The U.S. is headed for Third World status unless we change government policies that are driving U.S. businesses offshore, destroying jobs and putting entrepreneurs out of business.

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